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Revision as of 15:55, 15 October 2015 by Dustin Loup (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===改變是低廉的===")
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Type: Private
Industry: ICANN
Founded: 2005
Founder(s): Raymond King
Headquarters: Portland, OR
Country: USA
Products: This website
Employees: 4 (2015)
Email: ray [at] icannwiki.com
jackie [at] icannwiki.com
dustin [at] icannwiki.com
Website: ICANNWiki.com
Facebook: ICANNWiki
LinkedIn: ICANNWiki
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Key People
Raymond King, Founder, Board Member

Vivian Hua, Editor and Community Manager
Jackie Treiber, Editor and Community Manager
Dustin Phillips, Editor and Community Manager
Susan Chalmers, Ambassador
Jonah Geil-Neufeld, Editor Emeritus, Board Member
Judy Song-Marshall, Board Member
Peter Brual, Board Member
Andrew Merriam, Editor Emeritus
Brandon CS Sanders, Editor Emeritus
John Stanton, Editor Emeritus

ICANNWiki是一非牟利機構,總部位於美國俄勒岡州,其組織有別於規約編號編配組織ICANN ICANN、旨在協調互聯網社群在維基媒體上就有關ICANN 和互聯網管治的議題上發表文章。ICANNWiki是一開放、透明和中立的平台、注重誠信和共同合作精神,給予ICANN與會者及大家以第三者視野作客觀分析、提供相關資訊。

我們得知大家在互聯網管治議題上所發表討論較含糊及技術性,對有關的議題難作普遍性的理解。事實上,這些議題對大家日常生活息息相關,並影響著所有網民,包括一些正期待可以方便上網、打破數碼鴻溝的人士。ICANNWiki與網上社群一起將複雜難明的內容演變為一些中立、易明,及具充份參考性、有理據的文章 [1]

ICANNWiki Info Sheet



Work Areas


ICANN 會議: 每年ICANN會舉行三次會議,於不同地點舉行以示履行國際性活動的職務。於ICANN會議中,ICANNWiki亦會派出兩位成員出席,藉此分享如何運用該網站撰寫或編改文章,並制作具幽默性的漫畫照片,或進行網上短片訪問等。儘管出席會議的費用及展攤費佔該組織的大部份支出,我們感到能與網上社群直接對話、加強溝通交流的機會是十分重要。

內容制作及編改 - 我們致力將內容進行及時更新,務求將最新的ICANN及其他相關資訊結集於現存的內容中。若發現載入的訊息達不到要求,我們或會從新編寫或引入網上社群一齊參與。ICANNWiki 秉承一貫中立原則,記錄有關訊息,並將互聯網社群所提供內容更新和編寫。這亦是組織內員工的重要職務,我們亦發現因新頂級域名推出而導致網站流量、網頁內容及相關的網上活動激增。

社區設立 - 社區設立源於幫助新加入成員了解互聯網管治的世界,從而令他們作出幫助,共同參與編制ICANNWiki內容。一般來說,ICANN資深員工和要員 DNS 最能明解 ICANN相關議題,我們亦會鼓勵一些具豐富經驗的與會人士幫手編寫內容,務求令新成員有較高瞻性的觀點及理解。基於ICANN社群是龐大及多元化,就算一些長期參與者亦須了解其他群組在ICANN工作進展和報告。

宣傳贊助 - ICANNWiki有賴各贊助商的康慨支持。如果沒有他們的支持,我們難於將我們所想要做付諸行動。

Throughout all this work, ICANNWiki is known for putting a fun and unique twist on the content, such as the Caricatures and Playing Cards it produces. We value our creative reputation and are constantly looking for fun and new ideas, and interacting with our community on Twitter, Facebook, at ICANN meetings, and remotely.



ICANNWiki 是一個給予全球共享的平台,凝聚ICANN各社群,並進行公開、透明的知識交流、分享及溝通。



ICANNWiki是在2005年由Raymond King創立,當時還得到Brandon CS SandersJohn Stanton的幫助,他們堅信一個公開的維基網站,能為ICANN社群帶來更多福祉。該項目最終在英屬哥倫比亞省溫哥華ICANN24推出。









Be a Builder







This value represents our belief in constructive edits and the process of Wiki. Building off the tenets of Be A Builder and Assume Good Faith, we arrive at the conclusion that Wiki allows us to embrace change to an unprecedented extent.

With Wiki, each page is equipped with a complete history of every edit. This allows us to freely plumb the past and move forward knowing that no good idea or innovation is lost. We can feel free to make changes secure in the knowledge that our work will be recognized for its own merit and that it will become the foundation for further effort and construction.

Radical Trust

"One's words are a gift to the community. For the wiki nature to take whole, you have to let go of your words. You have to be okay with that. This goes into the name, called Refactoring. To collaborate on a work, one must trust. The reason the cooperation happens is we are people and it is deep in our nature to do things together." -- Ward Cunningham, quoted in Corante; On The Crucible of Creativity", 17-October-2005

Contributing to a Wiki is an exercise in trust. You must trust the community to engage positively and productively with you in your work, and in our staff to protect your work. Trust grows with time and experience. Test us out by making a constructive edit or building out your own page, then watch the result: recognition, and the knowledge that you have helped build the commons.

Real People

We believe that people and organizations take you seriously sooner when you act with responsibility as a real person. Using your real name, backed up by things like your picture and interests, makes real world interactions in culture, politics and business possible, realistic, effective and useful. Isn't a person more likely to join a community online, if they see that there are real people involved, instead of characters like RedDog88, Snivelcritter, etc ?

Professionalism, trust, and community all emerge, when real people are involved, standing behind their work. Using your real name substantiates your commitment to transparency and allows others to better collaborate with you. It also creates a greater investment in your work.

Using a real name, however, is not a requirement for participation -- look around, get your bearings, and once you've come to know the vibrant, trusting community at ICANNWiki, make the switch.


Refactoring is a term common to computer programming for reorganizing and improving the internal structure of a program while retaining its exterior functionality and behavior. In the world of wiki, it refers to reorganizing and improving a wiki page while staying true to its function and the intent of its community of editors.

Wiki vs. Web: Refactoring vs. Commenting
Generally, when you're reading something on the web that isn't quite right, you lack the ability to fix it. On Wiki, you have the ability to reorganize and improve the page in front of you. You can Be A Builder and make Efficiently Expressed Suggestions. You have the power, but remember, in the words of Peter Parker, with great power comes great responsibility.


Transparency involves our commitment to openness and accountability. Transparency builds trust. If you are using a false name, not your own, people may wonder why. It may not be desirable to reveal everything about yourself but a name is something to build upon. Communities can only really begin to develop if the members of that community know each other.

Using references is an important part of keeping our content transparent. If you make statements on a wiki, especially bold ones, you should be able to back them up with verifiable references.

Work on What Interests You

A person should create materials in areas in which they are interested and informed. There are no barriers to your participation at ICANNWiki, if you want to build it, go ahead! Hit that edit button!


  1. 。該文章分別由ICANNWiki團隊及支持者提供,當中包括Ray, Jonah, Vivian, 和Andrew。