Dates: 13 - 16 November 2000
Location: California
Host: USA
Venue: Marina Beach Marriott in Marina del Rey, California
Website: [1]
Historical Significance
ICANN 7 was the first event to be held in Marina Del Ray, california.


ICANN 7 was to be hosted in Marina Del Rey, California. Like all previous events, all meetings that were to take course throughout the event, were free to attend to any person interested in the topics, which were to be discussed.

The ICANN Meetings were to take place in the Marina Beach Marriott Hotel, and the Event itself was seen to have been a huge success, as the numbers in attendance had dramatically increased, to that of past events. Pre-registrations had reached over the 900 persons mark, months before the event had even commenced.

Some of the topics that were discussed throughout the meetings had included the Selection of new Top Level Domains (TLD’s) and also a review of the Study At Large Membership scheme.



Historical Notes


[ICANN Meeting Website] [ICANN Meeting Agenda] [The Introduction of new Top level Domians] [Study of the AT Large membership]

External Links

[ICANN Meeting Website] [ICANN Meeting Agenda] [The Introduction of new Top level Domians] [Study of the AT Large membership]